
Showing posts from November, 2014

Baawra Mann

She'd had crazy days in her office, but that day pushed the boundaries of crazy to the point of crumbling. Traffic on the way back, was never more than a minor annoyance to her usually, even in its worst form. But that day, it drove her to the edge, where hearing one more angry honk would cause an aneurysm in her brain, she feared. As she entered her apartment, exasperated, exhausted, clinging to the dregs of her furiously leaking patience, she went straight to the music dock, plonked down her cell and fired up some music. And one by one as the notes poured out, the lines disappeared from her forehead. However, not quite completely. For it was not the usual stressful day. Music had to be complemented by the next best weapon in her arsenal – wine. She poured out a glass and took one mighty swig. “That hit the spot”, she smiled to herself, as she started feeling the medley of wine and music working their charm on her. She plopped down on her favorite couch,